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    Shifting Focus From Victim to Surviving and Thriving

    Organizational medicine can create an environment of mal-aligned ownership and accountability of staff, leaving physicians feeling powerless. Rather than become a victim, it's possible to shift your mindset through coaching to develop a sense of peace, identify greater job satisfaction, and acquire more emotional reserve.

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    Case Study: Seeking Leadership

    Applying for a new leadership role or being asked to take on a new role can be both thrilling and frightening. On one hand, you are excited to try new things and to expand your skills, on the other hand you might not have all the knowledge and skills to succeed. This is a common challenge in our clients.

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    Case Study: Loss of Control

    Why is it that so much of coaching involves working through transitional points? What leads us to feel so stuck or hesitate to make the move to the next level?

    Read More: Case Study: Loss of Control
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